2010-01-25 21:06:27 UTC
Hi guys,
unfortunately it took a bit longer than expected, but now I'm starting.. ;)
For a start I tried to install phpgw from trunk.
I checked the whole thing out and wanted to install everything.
Unfortunately I encountered quite a lot of errors (e.g. undefined variables, undefined offsets...) in the setup.
Is this a problem just on my machine or can others verify this?
If others can verify that it doesn't work I'll start with fixing the setup.
- checkout phpgw from trunk
- create a new db and dbuser
- open http://www.your_server.whatever/phpgroupware/setup
- follow the steps. Do you see errors?
Sent from the phpGroupWare forums @
unfortunately it took a bit longer than expected, but now I'm starting.. ;)
For a start I tried to install phpgw from trunk.
I checked the whole thing out and wanted to install everything.
Unfortunately I encountered quite a lot of errors (e.g. undefined variables, undefined offsets...) in the setup.
Is this a problem just on my machine or can others verify this?
If others can verify that it doesn't work I'll start with fixing the setup.
- checkout phpgw from trunk
- create a new db and dbuser
- open http://www.your_server.whatever/phpgroupware/setup
- follow the steps. Do you see errors?
Sent from the phpGroupWare forums @