sigurdne wrote on Tue, 02 February 2010 21:55
Post by Sigurd NesMaybe we could use this opportunity to look for some new icons to renew the
overall design.
This collection looked appealing to me (random hit by a quick google search)
Yes, the crystal clear icon set is beautiful and modern, I'd like to use it for the next release!
sigurdne wrote on Tue, 02 February 2010 21:55
Post by Sigurd NesAlso the logo and the login screen seems to be - well - a bit crude.
Actually I'm going to try to find a new look for the setup. This screen I attached is definitely not a final version.. It's at least created tableless, uses no JS and will easily be transformed to xhtml. Currently it validates as HTML 4.01 Transitional but I'd like to have it validate as XHTML.
This will be some work, but I want to do it. I hate HTML that doesn't validate.. ;) When setup validates I might start to make other modules tableless and validating.
Regarding the view of it I can't do that much. I ain't good at graphics or designing modern layouts. I will try to do what I can, though. The screenshot shows a try, which I do not consider to be good enough. It's not really modern and contains rather small changes from the original design. But I think, it's currently not that important, what it looks like. This will in my opinion get more value, when we get closer to a new release.
sigurdne wrote on Tue, 02 February 2010 21:55
Post by Sigurd NesAlso - we _COULD_ consider to include a reference to a manual. As an option -
the 'manual' module can convert odt-files into html on the fly.
Yes, this is a good idea. To be honest I didn't look at this module yet, since setup will presumably not be able to use it, at least when the db still doesn't exist. If this is not true, please tell me.
Unfortunately I'll be away from home for the next two weeks and will thus not be able to do much work for phpGroupWare. But I'll do as much as possible.
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